Our Lax Yip:

Raven Clan Outlaws are governors of Ganeda Territory
Wilp Gamlakyeltxw:
1100 km. sq.
Mid Nass River Protectors
The oral history (Adaawk) of Wilp Gamlakyeltxw date back 10,000+ years of travel from origins in the Stikine to villages and fishing sites established on the Nass, Cranberry and Kitwancool rivers.
'Back and forth' or 'To and fro' are literal translations of Gamlakyeltxw and reflect the ancient travels and crest acquisition of the Wilp.
Gamlakyeltxw and his Simgigyet have fought and died in wars protecting our Lax Yip. Major wars with neighbouring tribes are recorded and protected in Wilp oral histories and published with Wilp permission.
Wilp Gamlakyeltxw promote green energy investment on the Lax Yip.
Gamlakyeltxw Inc. proposed projects in development phases include:
Kitwancool Medicinal and Wellness Group Biomass Cannabis Greenhouses (kitwancool.com)
Tsaphl Luulak Wind Farm
Aksnagyelga Fish Wheel
Aksnagyelga Hemp Biomass Plant
Gitanyow Green Energy Plan
Kitwancool Medicinal and Industrial Plan
Gitanyow Food Security Plan